We are the only Transport Engineering graduate program in the Northern and Northeastern regions of Brazil. We have offered the Master's program since 2000, and we started offering the Doctor's program as of 2011. There are two main fields: Transport Infrastructure and Planning/Operation of Transport Systems.Each area has three lines of research. Each line has several research projects coordinated by PETRAN professors. The various PETRAN researches work and fit according to each project. We currently have 12 professors: 10 permanent and 2 collaborators. The developed researches take place in three research groups: GTEMA, LMP, and LRI. We belong to the Engineering I sub-area and received a grade of 5 in the last CAPES assessment.
The influence of crushing processes and mineralogy of aggregates on their shape properties and susceptibility to degradation
It has just been published in one of the most important international magazines in the field, the
Construction and Building Materials, Volume 284 , 17 May 2021, 122745 , which has qualis A1 in CAPES, article by PETRAN graduate Lara Marques Diógenes, supervised by teacher Verônica Castelo Branco, is available temporarily for download.
Free QGis course applied to Transport Engineering
The Department of Transport Engineering offers the first course on the use of GIS Quantum Gis applied to Transport Engineering. The course is free and will be taught by professor Arielle Arantes. If there are sanitary conditions, at the UFC Applied Geomatics Laboratory (Block 703), Campus do Pici. If we are still in social isolation, it will be given remotely. More information can be obtained directly from aearantes@det.ufc.br and entries can be made HERE!
The influence of crushing processes and mineralogy of aggregates on their shape properties and susceptibility to degradation
It has just been published in one of the most important international magazines in the field, the
Construction and Building Materials, Volume 284 , 17 May 2021, 122745 , which has qualis A1 in CAPES, article by PETRAN graduate Lara Marques Diógenes, supervised by teacher Verônica Castelo Branco, is available temporarily for download.
Registration for the CAPES Thesis Award - Edition 2021 is now open.
Registration period: 03/11/2021 to 05/07/2021.
Link to the notice: https://edudrive.rnp.br/index.php/s/ikyheE8lD0bMnqt
Registration site: https://pct.capes.gov.br/inscricao
From the 20 articles in Volume 28, Number 5, 2020 of Revista Transportes, which has just come out, seven are by students and professors, related to research carried out at Petran. Read the full articles. Click here!
Technology Center - Federal University of Ceará
Campus do Pici - Block 703 - 60440-900 Fortaleza CE
+558533669488 extension 218