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LAG is the current name of the former Topography Laboratory that was born in the 1950s together with the Ceará School of Engineering, after the implementation of the Technology Center in the 1970s, continued under the same name and became the responsibility of the then Department of Roads and Graphic Expression. In 2005 it was renamed Laboratory of Geodesy and Topography of the Department of Transport Engineering and in 2012 it received the current name, renamed Laboratory of Applied Geomatics-LAG.


Today, LAG has a Geomatics Technician, five monitors (scholarship holders from the Teaching Initiation Program-PID), two scholarship holders from the Capes Young Talents of Science Program-PJTC, two technical interns in Buildings and a technical intern in Informatics.


It serves undergraduate students from the Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, Geography and Geology courses and students from the Postgraduate Program in Transport Engineering-PETRAN. It has Topographic, Geodetic and Computational equipment and accessories that enable the carrying out of field experiments and practical classes that complement the teaching of Topography of Applied Geotechnologies.


The faculty linked to the LAG, in addition to Topography and Geodesy, works in the Geoprocessing Area, supporting several projects where it is essential to carry out mappings and systematize geographic databases, aimed at understanding phenomena whose spatial component is fundamental to your analysis. For example, he participated in the Environmental Impact Study and Environmental Impact Report for the Premium II Refinery, with support from PETROBRAS.


It also works with the support of the Ministry of Cities in the Geotechnical Maps of Aptitude for Urbanization Project in the Municipality of Caucaia-CE, which aims to map the potential for occupation of the municipal territory, from the point of view of geotechnical risk (slides, floods, erosion and others).

Geomatics is the area of ​​human knowledge that encompasses the various sciences and measurement techniques associated with the organization of spatial databases, as well as their management for use in computer applications for projects and geographic information.


As part of their attributions, the Civil Engineer, the Environmental Engineer, the Architect and Urban Planner, the Geologist or the Geographer are faced, in many cases, with situations in which they need to determine the relative positions of points on the earth's surface or close to it, in addition, they need to represent these points through plans, charts, maps, digital models, profiles and other types of graphical representation. Many study phenomena and field problems of these professionals involve data whose fundamental component is position (a spatial data). Thus, to obtain, treat, reconcile, analyze and represent spatial data in different sources and formats, generally implementing and/or populating relational databases with the purpose of modeling and understanding a given phenomenon, generally aiming to support a decision-making process. ...this is the branch of science that we call ​ APPLIED GEOMATICS.


Joaquim Barroso
Technician until 07/2014
( in memory )


Carlos Augusto Uchôa da Silva

Rafael Wendell Barros Forte da Silva
Geomatics Technician

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