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PETRAN - Graduate Program in Transport Engineering is linked to the Department of Transport Engineering - DET, of the Federal University of Ceará - UFC, being one of the 10 departments that make up its Technology Center - CT. The CT / UFC. PETRAN's masters and doctoral classes are formed, preferably, by full-time students, divided into the areas of concentration of Transport Infrastructure and Planning and Operation of Transport Systems. The academic background of the candidates is not restricted to the field of Engineering, being able to participate in the selection of professionals graduated in related areas such as Economics, Administration, Architecture and Urbanism, Geography, among others. Over the past few years, PETRAN has consolidated itself as an important regional center for teaching and research, with its students and teachers reaching prominence in the national transport community. Most of the activities of these professionals are concentrated in the Pavement Mechanics Laboratory - LMP, in the Transport, Traffic and Environment Research Group - GTTEMA and in the Logistics and Infrastructure Networks Group. To learn more, click here!

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"Being a poet is very good because I don't have any obligation to be truthful. I can lie at will, it's just a scientist who can't." Arian Suassuna

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Programa Cientista Chefe de Infraestrutura do Estado do Ceará

Programa Cientista Chefe de Infraestrutura do Estado do Ceará

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Modelagem da Fluidez do Tráfego Multimodal

Modelagem da Fluidez do Tráfego Multimodal

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Modelagem do Desempenho da Segurança Viária

Modelagem do Desempenho da Segurança Viária

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Avanço das pesquisas em Pavimentos Alternativos no Estado do Ceará

Avanço das pesquisas em Pavimentos Alternativos no Estado do Ceará

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Technology Center - Federal University of Ceará
Campus do Pici - Block 703 - 60440-900 Fortaleza CE

+558533669488 extension 218

Fax: +558533669488 ext 200

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