The Department of Transport Engineering of the Technology Center of the Federal University of Ceará currently has 17 professors, 3 research groups: GTEMA - Transport, Traffic and Environment Group; The Pavement Mechanics Laboratory - LMP and the LRI - Logistics and Infrastructure Networks. Additionally, it has the Applied Geomatics Laboratory-LAG, more dedicated to Undergraduate Teaching. DET has the only Postgraduate Program in Transport Engineering in the North and Northeast Regions, PETRAN, which offers Academic Master's and Doctorate programs. To learn more about DET, its history and trajectory, CLICK HERE!
A Pró-Reitoria de Graduação (PROGRAD), por meio do Departamento de Engenharia de Transportes (DET), abre inscrições para o processo seletivo para Monitoria em PCIV (01 vaga REMUNERADA e 01 VOLUNTÁRIA). Todos os detalhes para concorrer e se inscrever estão no Edital. Período de inscrição: 02/02/2024 a 23/02/2024, via formulário online no link abaixo:
Edital - Clique Aqui!
QGis Course Applied to Transport Engineering
A Pró-Reitoria de Graduação (PROGRAD), por meio do Departamento de Engenharia de Transportes (DET), abre inscrições para o processo seletivo para Monitoria em PCIV (01 vaga REMUNERADA e 01 VOLUNTÁRIA). Todos os detalhes para concorrer e se inscrever estão no Edital. Período de inscrição: 02/02/2024 a 23/02/2024, via formulário online no link abaixo:
Edital - Clique Aqui!
"Being a poet is very good because I don't have any obligation to be truthful. I can lie at will, it's just a scientist who can't." Arian Suassuna
DET Events
Defense of Graduate Project in Civil Engineering
Daniel Gueiros Erthal Tardin
Proposition of mobile lavatories aimed at the homeless population in the city of Fortaleza-Ce: Analysis of Variability
Guided by prof. Verônica Castelo Branco, this study brings an important technological contribution to mitigate the deep social inequalities found in Brazilian cities and which became more explicit with the COVID-19 pandemic, with a strong human bias, it is an indication that engineers are not just they can understand the context in which they are inserted, but they can propose interventions that help to change it.
07/04/2021 at 9:00 am
Technology Center - Federal University of Ceará
Campus do Pici - Block 703 - 60440-900 Fortaleza CE
+558533669488 extension 201
©2020 by DET - Department of Transport Engineering. Created with by Augusto Uchôa